April 16, 2024

Triduum in Belarus

Fr. Carlos Luis Suárez Codorniú, SCJ, superior general, and Fr. Levi dos Anjos Ferreira, SCJ, general councilor, spent Triduum with the Dehonian community in Belarus.
“It was a singular experience for us, given the difficult moment that the country is going through,” wrote Fr. Levi on the general website, dehoniani.org. “However, the celebrations were filled with many faithful.”
Frs. Carlos and Levi visited with all six SCJ communities in the country. Currently the district has 13 members, many of whom are Polish. The Belarus mission was begun by the Polish Province over 30 years ago. It officially became a district of the congregation in 2002.
Of the 13 SCJs who serve in the district, seven are Belarusian, five are Polish and one is Moldovan. There is also a Belarusian deacon and an SCJ priest who are currently in Poland.

“Despite the difficulties of the political situation, the communities continue their journey with creativity and perseverance, making every effort to preserve their faith and, above all, to put into practice what they believe,” wrote Fr. Levi. “They demonstrate this through the numerous social works that exist in the parishes, as well as through pilgrimages and other pastoral activities that bring together many young people and adults in an active and profound manifestation of their faith.”
Catholics in Belarus are only about 10% of the population. The vast majority of people in Belarus belong to the Orthodox Church.
“Fr. Carlos and I returned to Rome with hearts full of hope, having seen with our own eyes how suffering people keep their faith alive and hope for improvement in the near future. We are very grateful to our SCJ brothers for the work that they are doing in Belarus and we ask God to bless and encourage them to continue serving God’s people in these lands marked by so much suffering.”


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