Special Appeals

Partner with us in our ministries in foreign missions and at home as we spread devotion to the Sacred Heart through love and reparation. We invite your support for bringing God’s love to those in need, educating seminarians and offering assistance to retired clergy.

Winter Heating Crisis

Wisconsin’s bitter cold has almost exhausted the heating funds set aside for facilities for our senior priests and seminarians. We are challenged to fully meet the needs of the poor and hungry and also cover our rising energy costs. I’m praying for your help.

Father Dominic with Shovel

Support Seminary Education

America needs more priests. You can help.

Your gift to our Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology helps offset the rising costs of educating men for the priesthood, enabling more men to answer their calling without additional financial burden.

Mission Education Fund

Children born into extreme poverty have few hopes or expectations for achieving a better life. Education can change this picture. An educated child can improve the fortunes of a family for generations. That’s why we created our Mission Education Fund.

Other ways to support our mission

Prayer Enrollment

Remember those you love in the perpetual Masses and Prayers of the the Priests of the Sacred Heart.

Heart to Heart Society

Join with other cherished friends who support our ministry with a commitment to a monthly or quarterly gift.

Novenas & Masses

The Priests of the Sacred Heart are honored to remember you, your loved ones and your intentions in our Novenas and Masses.