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September 16, 2024

SCJs Celebrate the Ordination of Dn. Tien Pham

Dn. Tien Pham pictured with his wife, front row, fourth from left.

On Saturday, September 7, several SCJs were among those who attended the ordination ceremony of 11 men to the permanent diaconate. Among the newly ordained was Dn. Tien Pham from St. Martin of Tours parish in Franklin, WI. The parish is served by the Priests of the Sacred Heart.
Instrumental to his vocational discernment, and to his ministry at the parish, has been Dn. Tien’s participation in the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement. Fr. Henry Nguyen, SCJ, who has also been active in VEYM, wrote a reflection about the diaconate ordination and how it reminded him of his own vocational journey. The following is excerpted from that reflection:

“Recently, CARA, the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University published a report on the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement (VEYM): Impact on Faith Life and Vocation Discernment.
“I thought about the report this past weekend as I and other SCJs had the privilege and honor of attending and concelebrating at the Diaconate Ordination of Dn. Tien Pham and other permanent deacons.
“Dn. Tien has served at St. Martin of Tours for many years with its VEYM Chapter and with the Vietnamese choir before his diaconate formation. VEYM aims to form holy men and women as well as inspire many to pursue their vocation. He and I have both been youth leaders, which helped us develop skills for ministry.
“Yesterday (Sept. 8) Dn. Tien preached for the first time at his Mass of Thanksgiving; it reminded me of my own vocation as a Dehonian priest, which was also rooted in VEYM. In his first homily, he spoke about God, and how the word itself makes up two other words: ‘Go’ and ‘Do’. These two words reminded me of the call of mission and service.”
Dn. Tien is pictured above with his wife, front row, fourth from left. The photo of the newly ordained deacons is from the Facebook page of the archdiocese of Milwaukee. Congratulations Dn. Tien!


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