February 3, 2025

North American Dehonian Theological Commission Meets in Hales Corners

North American Dehonian Theological Commission Meets in Hales Corners

On January 28, members of the North American Dehonian Theological Commission met in Hales Corners. Those who took part in the meeting: Fr. John van den Hengel, SCJ (chairperson), Fr. Joseph Mukuna, SCJ, Fr. Gustave Lulendo, SCJFr. Guy Bertrand, SCJ (via Zoom) and Fr. Paul Hoang, SCJ, (via Zoom).

Topics discussed included the pope’s encyclical letter Dilexit Nos; the commission is exploring ways in which to make it more accessible for Dehonians in North America. A special edition of the publication Dehoniana is in the works that will focus on the encyclical; the North American commission plans to submit a reflection on “The Importance of the Heart.”

Fr. John shared a report from the meeting of the International Dehonian Theological Commission that took place in Rome in December, as well as the announcement of the next international theological seminar entitled “Dehon and His Texts,” scheduled for July, 2026, in Taubaté (Brazil).

Commission members also talked about opportunities for collaboration with the faculty at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology. To further this collaboration, Fr. Joseph has arranged a meeting with Dr. Jeremy Blackwood, of SHSST.

Members of the commission are involved in a variety of projects: Fr. Gustave will present a reflection on Cahiers Falleurs 48 at the upcoming meeting of the coordinators of the congregation’s geocultural zones in Rome, and Fr. Paul will lead a Lenten Recollection for SCJs in North America. Fr. Vando Marques Gomes, SCJ, was welcomed as a new member to the commission; he is a Brazilian SCJ now serving in Canada. The commission will next meet via Zoom on February 20.


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