March 24, 2025

North American Administrations Discuss Key Issues in Biannual Meeting

On March 18, members of the US and Canadian administrations gathered (both in-person and on the Zoom screen) at the Provincial Conference Center in Hales Corners for their biannual meeting. One administration had just begun a three-year term while the other was preparing for the conclusion of its mandate. Joining them was Fr. Willyans Prado Rapozo, SCJ, general councilor, who was on his way to Brazil for the meeting of the Latin American major superiors next week.
Among the topics discussed at the North American meeting was immigration. Both administrations talked about the increasing challenges of obtaining visas for international SCJs coming to North America for study and/or ministry. The councils spoke about missionary efforts in the congregation and new geo-cultural structures, as well as follow-up to the North American conference on the dual threats of climate disruption and nuclear weapons, the North American Dehonian Theological Commission and its projects, the Dehonian jubilees, social media (how it can be a positive force for communication but also a challenge when used unwisely), and the North American meetings themselves. Although gathering by Zoom is easier and less costly, several of the meeting participants spoke of the benefits of being together, present to each other when possible.
The next in-person meeting of the North American administrations will take place October 15, 2025, in Toronto.
Click here to read more.


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