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September 16, 2024

New SCJ Community House in Lower Brule

New SCJ Community House in Lower Brule

Several years ago it became apparent that the modular home that had served as the SCJ community house in Lower Brule, SD, had to be replaced. Each month a new challenge seemed to develop, including a fire and extensive mold damage. When the structure could no longer be repaired, everyone involved agreed that it was time to start over.
However, building a new house in rural Lower Brule isn’t a fast process. “It was two years of planning, exploring options, getting the right permits on the reservation, and more delays than I care to count,” said Fr. Greg Schill, SCJ, local superior of the SCJ community in South Dakota. “But finally, Fr. Christianus Hendrik and Fr. Jean Claude Mbassi were able to move in last week!”
Click here or on the image above to see individual photos of the new community house. Our thanks to Frater Truc Tran, SCJ, for taking the pictures.


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New SCJ Community House in Lower Brule

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