Fr. Vien Nguyen, SCJ, and Fr. Rafael Querobin, SCJ, took part in the annual assembly of the Conference of the Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) in Atlanta. CMSM is a pontifical conference dedicated to advancing the well-being, community life, ministry, and mission of religious in the United States, as well as fraternal support among leadership. Our own Fr. Thomas Cassidy once served as president of the Conference.
Topics discussed at the assembly included the changing face of the Church in the United States, as well as those who serve it. Approximately 25% of Catholics in the US are immigrants; the fastest growing population of Catholics is in the South. Religious communities are becoming increasingly international, which is both a blessing and challenge. There are cultural and language differences, but also generation gaps, and challenges in providing appropriate formation for limited numbers of vocations.
“As we navigate these changing realities in religious life, Archbishop Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv. of Atlanta, one of the presenters, reminded us of the importance of being faithful to the charism and spirituality of our religious community,” said Fr. Vien. “According to him, this faithfulness must be rooted in our commitment to personal and communal prayer.”