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September 23, 2024

Meet Our 2024-25 Seminarians: Discover the Journeys of Future Dehonian Priests

2024-25 SCJ Seminarians

During the current academic year there are three seminarians in pastoral assignments, two full-time students at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology and one student doing undergraduate studies. Each year, we ask those in formation to introduce themselves.
“I felt called to the Dehonians because of their daily Eucharistic Adoration and work in parishes,” wrote Frater Michael Wodraczyk, SCJ. “I continue to feel called to the Dehonians because of my seminary experience. I have really learned a lot about scripture, theology and philosophy. I have also enjoyed my summer ministries which have helped me to properly discern my vocation. My call and desire for religious life as a Dehonian has not changed from when I was first a candidate.”
Frater Hung Pham, SCJ, notes that he is in the midst of his final vows program. “I hope to make my perpetual profession in 2025,” he said. “I believe that this final vows program will help me grow more
profoundly as a Dehonian.” Br. Ray Kozuch, SCJ, is his final vows director. “I am happy to be a Dehonian, and I desire to continue to have a deeper understanding and relationship with God as a Dehonian.”
“Being with the Dehonians for over nine years, the most important thing that I have experienced about Dehonian Spirituality is living a life of oblation with God,” wrote Frater Thuan Nguyen, SCJ. “While living oblation and renewing it frequently throughout the day, I am reminded of the good deeds the Lord has
poured upon me in my life, therefore one of my favorite biblical quotes is “Do not forget the works of the Lord” (Psalms 78: 7b).

Click here to access the student autobiographies.


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