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January 16, 2024

Lenten Hours of Recollection

David Richo, PhD, MFT, will be the presenter for this year’s Lenten Hours of Recollection. The presentation for SCJs will be the morning of March 14, to coincide with the anniversary of the birth of Fr. Leo John Dehon, and the one for employees and other collaborators will be on March 15. As in the past, both will take place via Zoom. Login information will be shared closer to the dates.

The title of the presentations: “Calling and Charism: Being Sacred Heart in the World.”  Dr. Richo writes that “The Sacred Heart of Jesus is not only an object of devotion, it is the Heart of the universe meant to become alive in everyone of us. Our calling as as Christians is to co-create with Christ a world of justice, peace, and love. For this we are given a charism, a grace to support us in our calling. This is how calling and charism are one in the Sacred Heart: afire with compassion for all beings and active in making society a kingdom of God on earth.”

He quotes Pope St. John XXIII who said that, “Jesus, I now think of myself as living solely for your Sacred Heart.” 
Dr. Richo is a psychotherapist, teacher, workshop leader, and writer who works in Santa Barbara and San Francisco, CA. He combines Jungian, poetic, and mythic perspectives in his work with the intention of integrating the psychological and the spiritual. His books and workshops include attention to Buddhist and Christian spiritual practices.
Click here to access articles, books and other information from and about Dr. Richo.


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