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June 20, 2024

June Issue Focus: Supreme Authority and the Role of the General Chapter in the Priests of the Sacred Heart

Fr. Stephen Huffstetter, SCJ pictured at the General Chapter’s Opening Mass

The focus of the June issue of As a Rule is No. 131, which speaks of the “supreme authority” of the congregation. In the day-to-day operations of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, this is found in the Superior General and his Council. However, every six years that authority is found in the General Chapter.

“A General Chapter is extraordinary because it brings together members from all over the world, from diverse cultures, world views and experiences of church,” wrote Fr. Stephen Huffstetter, SCJ, vicar general, in his AAR reflection (he is pictured above at the Chapter’s Opening Mass). “This year’s group ranges in age from 36 to 83. Chapters wrestle with the big questions of who we are, how we are doing, and who we want to become. How have we embodied our charism and spirituality? What is the quality of our witness amidst the pressing needs of our world?  The variety of perspectives reminds us that we are interconnected as part of a universal church and congregation, searching to answer these questions together.

“A Chapter looks to the past, evaluates the present, and discerns direction for the future. Then it elects leadership. But the job of fulfilling that vision and carrying it out in the everyday life of the Congregation belongs not only to the Superior General and Council but to every member… The general government responds to concerns and hopes through consultation for appointments and by creating policies to address changing needs. An essential goal is to increase collaboration and promote the spirit of Sint Unum, and of We, the Congregation. Again, that is the task of each and every SCJ.”Click here to read Fr. Steve’s full reflection as well as that of Fr. Francis Vu Tran, SCJ, who focused on the concept of “synodality.”


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