Novenas & Masses
The Priests of the Sacred Heart are honored to remember you, your loved ones, and your intentions in our Novenas and Masses. Simply send us your prayer intentions using the buttons below.
Who among us has not had times when we wish to call upon God for comfort, support, or thanksgiving.
Let us join our voices to your prayers.

Monthly Novena
At the beginning of each month, our priests and brothers celebrate a special Novena of Masses in devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in which we honor our benefactors and friends and remember their prayer intentions. We invite you to send your intentions for inclusion in our next monthly Novena of Masses.
Other ways to support our mission

Prayer Enrollment
Remember those you love in the perpetual Masses and Prayers of the the Priests of the Sacred Heart.

Heart to Heart Society
Join with other cherished friends who support our ministry with a commitment to a monthly or quarterly gift.

Special Appeals
Respond to our priests’ most urgent needs by contributing directly to targeted funds.