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June 20, 2024

General Chapter 2024: Highlights and Updates from Rome

General Chapter 2024 Highlights and Updates from Rome

The General Chapter got underway in Rome this past weekend with a lighthearted social on Saturday evening (June 15), and on Sunday, the Opening Mass at the Pontifical French Seminary where Fr. Leo John Dehon studied. During his homily, Fr. Carlos Luis Suárez Codorniú, SCJ, superior general, prayed that “God’s holy breath may hover over the trees and our home in these days. May it hover over each one of us, helping us to understand, as Jesus did with his disciples, explaining his word to them.”

Click here to read Fr. Carlos’ homily (English).

The Chapter includes 77 members, plus support staff. Representing North America are Frs. Vien Nguyen, Jack Kurps and Francis Vu Tran from the US and Frs. Gustave Lulendo and Willyans Prado Rapozo from Canada. Fr. Will was a member of the Planning Committee and will serve as spokesperson for the chapter. His first report has been posted on the general website. Click here to access it.

Visit the general website for news of the chapter, as well as other communication platforms:

General website

News will also be posted on the US Province Facebook page.

The communications team hosts a live program on its YouTube channel Monday through Thursday at 9 p.m. Rome time; 2:00 p.m. central (Chicago). Languages vary within each show, depending on the guests. Pictured above are Frs. Jack Kurps, Stephen Huffstetter, Vien Nguyen and Francis Vu Tran during Saturday evening’s opening social.


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