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August 26, 2024

Fr. Paul Phong Hoang, SCJ, Celebrates Masses of Thanksgiving at St. Martin of Tours

Fr. Paul Phong Hoang, SCJ, Celebrates Masses of Thanksgiving at St. Martin of Tours

Yesterday, August 25, 2024, Fr. Paul Phong Hoang, SCJ, returned to St. Martin of Tours for the weekend to celebrate several Masses of Thanksgiving. Among the SCJs who concelebrated with him: Fr. Vien Nguyen, Fr. Mark Fortner, Fr. Jim Walters, Fr. Wayne Jenkins, Fr. Yvon Sheehy, Fr. Tom Cassidy, Fr. Stephen Huffstetter, and Fr. Andrzej Sudol (pastor of St. Martin of Tours). Many other Dehonians and province co-workers were in the pews.
Fr. Paul was ordained on June 1; he is currently a member of the Dehonian pastoral team that serves in northern Mississippi.
Click here to view photos from the Masses posted by St. Martin of Tours (Br. Andy Gancarczyk, SCJ, photographer)


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