February 17, 2025

Fr. David Szatkowski, SCJ, Presents at Congolese Province Assembly

Fr. David Szatkowski, SCJ, Presents at Congolese Province Assembly

Fr. David Szatkowkski, SCJ, was one of the presenters last week at the Congolese Province’s assembly in Kisangani.

“My topic was the sacred power of the Church, which is a legal concept, and how it is useful in Dehonian ministry in the context of the Congo today,” wrote Fr. Dave, who has a doctorate in canon law. “It is this one power that all members of the Church exercise, whether they are lay or cleric. What is different is not the power, but the way in which it’s practiced.”

Fr. Dave also reflected on “how reparation, our fellowship, our way of being religious helps to bring about the kingdom of God, and how our SCJ Rule of Life regulates the way in which we live.” Besides the assembly, Fr. Dave is also giving presentations to the province’s formation communities.


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