June 27, 2023

Continuing the discussions from Madrid, looking toward future possibilities

From June 20-21, several members of the North American Theological Commission met in Hales Corners to update the commission’s statutes, review roles (Fr. Joseph Mukuna, SCJ, will now serve in an expanded secretary’s position on the commission; Fr. John van den Hengel, SCJ, continues as president), reflect on the international Dehonian theological conference “Towards an Economy for All; Inclusive, Sustainable, Just” that took place in Madrid last month, and discuss possibilities for the commission’s future work and focus.
“As with all of the continental theological commissions, the North American group takes direction from the congregation’s international commission,” said Fr. John. “However, each continental commission also tries to address specific issues and needs in the entities its members represent.”
One of those specific needs is to help SCJs, Dehonian Associates and coworkers in North America access materials that are already available, including published articles written by members of the commission. The commission also plans to share more in-depth reflections on topics addressed at the Madrid conference, as well as look at ways in which the commission can collaborate with others to offer spiritual reflections in a Dehonian context. This could include days of recollection and/or spiritual or theological presentations integrated into the larger gatherings of each entity.
SCJ members of the North American Theological Commission: Fr. Charles Brown, Fr. Gustave Lulendo, Fr. Zbigniew Morawiec, Fr. Joseph Mukuna, Fr. Francis Vu Tran, and Fr. John van den Hengel, as well as Fr. Guy Bertrand Wabo and Frater Paul Phong Hoang who are associate members.
The commission’s next in-person meeting is in January, 2023, after the meeting of the International Dehonian Theological Commission.


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