August 5, 2024

Centro Studi Dehoniani Publishes Papers from Dehonian Theological Seminar on Inclusive and Sustainable Economy

Dehonian Theological Seminar on Inclusive and Sustainable Economy

The Centro Studi Dehoniani (Dehon Study Center) in Rome recently published the papers and documents of the Dehonian Theological Seminar “Towards an Economy for All: Inclusive – Sustainable – Just” held in Madrid in May, 2023.
The volume contains the presentations of various participants at the conference, including “Composing a World Together” by Fr. Gaël Giraud, SJ. The introductory talk of the conference, it outlined the thesis he defended at the Gregorian University in Rome. “It was a spiritual reflection on the underlying issues on the renewal of the economic system today,” wrote Fr. John van den Hengel, SCJ, chairperson of the North American Theological Commission. “Interpreting the Ascension in the Acts of the Apostles, Giraud maintained that Jesus taken from sight by a cloud abdicated the chair of his authority to his disciples. He wanted them to assume his power and sit on the throne and rule in his stead. ‘The time of the Church,’ he said,’ is our apprenticeship under the movement of the Spirit.’  It was an interesting and adventuresome thesis.”
The volume also includes reflections by the five theological commissions of the Congregation. The North American contribution addresses the aboriginal relationship to Mother Earth and the need for reconciliation on the part of North American settlers.
Click here to access the full conference publication.


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