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September 23, 2024

Celebrating 100 Years of the Indonesian Province: Fr. Wayne Jenkins, SCJ, Visits UKI Community in Toronto

In early September, Fr. Wayne Jenkins, SCJ, went to Toronto to visit with the UKI community (Umat Katolik Indonesia) as a part of the celebration of this year’s 100th anniversary of the SCJs’ Indonesian Province. Fr. Wayne, who studied in Indonesia, started UKI 44 years ago for fellowship and support of Indonesian Catholic immigrants in Toronto. The Dehonians continue to serve the UKI community.
During Fr. Wayne’s September visit, there were three days of presentations, food and prayer, including a Mass in which Fr. Wayne gave a homily in the Indonesian language. On the last day, he was asked out for dinner and was surprised to learn that he was the guest of honor. Fr. Wayne was thanked for his years of service to UKI, and especially, for his efforts in founding the organization.
Fr. Vien Nguyen, SCJ (US provincial superior) and Fr. Mark Fortner, SCJ (missionary in Indonesia for over 30 years) are representing the US Province at the centennial celebrations in Indonesia this month.


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