January 27, 2025

Catholic Schools Week 2025: Celebrating Faith, Service, and Community Across Dehonian Schools

Catholic Schools Week 2025

Schools throughout the province are celebrating Catholic Schools Week from January 26 – February 1.
At Our Lady of Guadalupe in Houston there are special activities each day, including a panel discussion about vocations (Fr. Henry Nguyen, SCJ, vocation director, and Fra. Michael Wodarczyk, SCJ, are among the panelists), service projects to directly assist people impacted by the fires in California, an open house for new families to learn about OLG, and a “religion bowl” game based on the television show “Jeopardy.”
At St. Joseph’s Indian School, the “Sacred Heart of Jesus” is the theme for the week. There will be a Lakota Mass, as well as rosary prayers for the canonization of Nicholas Black Elk, and a day of focus on the school’s namesake, St. Joseph. Service projects will include a food drive and a hygiene collection for those in need in the community. Thursday will be “Vocation Day;” Fr. Greg Schill, SCJ, Fra. Truc Tran, SCJ, Sr. Yollie Nobabos, TMM and Sr. Clary Joy Palasan, TMM, will share their vocation stories. There will also be a presentation on the Priests of the Sacred Heart.
These are examples from just two of our schools; many more activities will be taking place throughout the week. Click here to learn more about Catholic Schools Week on the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) website.
Pictured above are visiting students from our Dehonian school in Brazil with students from Holy Family School in Holly Springs, MS. The Dehonian schools in Mississippi and Brazil have enjoyed an exchange program for several years.


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