November 4, 2024

Bishop Joseph Potocnak, SCJ, Shares His Life Journey from Air Force Veteran to Missionary Bishop at Sacred Heart’s ‘Coffee and Conversation

Bishop Joseph Potocnak, SCJ, Shares His Life Journey from Air Force Veteran to Missionary Bishop at Sacred Heart’s 'Coffee and Conversation

Bishop Joseph Potocnak, SCJ, was the presenter at last week’s “Coffee and Conversation” at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake. The retired bishop of De Aar, South Africa, Bishop Joe is a familiar face among residents, but few have heard his backstory. Originally from Berwick, PA, he pursued his vocation to religious life and the priesthood after four years in the Air Force, and studies at the University of Nevada, Reno, on the GI Bill.
He professed first vows in 1961 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1966. For most of his religious life he served as a missionary in South Africa, eventually being named bishop (1992). His is a life that has included visits with Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. As a missionary priest in South Africa, he saw the dismantling of Apartheid and served as an election observer during the election that put Nelson Mandela into office. As bishop, he was instrumental in creating home healthcare and hospice programs for those affected by HIV/AIDS in and around his diocese (he served as Liaison Bishop for the Catholic Health Institutions in South Africa).
Now retired, he is a member of the Sacred Heart Community at SHML. “I still love to be a priest,” he told the lay residents. “I like to pray, to walk, I like to be with people.” Several residents shared stories of Bishop Joe blessing their apartments, or simply joining them in prayer, or for spirited discussions about the latest sports events.
“I have a rhythm in my life,” he concluded. “I didn’t think that I’d live this long [he is 91], but whatever God wants of me, that’s ok with me.”


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